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The selection Art African Mask



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African Art : collectible original, unique pieces, antiques and handicrafts

Each one of our trips to Africa allows us to introduce you to [New Products], original finds and unique pieces, antiques and crafts. African Art expresses itself especialy in the masks and figures created for the rituals punctuating the various stages of the personal and social life [African Masks].

West and Central Africa offers a rich and eclectic craft, different according to the ethnic groups to which they belong. Baoulé, lunar or family Masks, single pieces from the 50's, from Ivory Coast [Masks from Ivory Coast], or Dan, Dan bassa, Dan pompier, Dan tura, Dan mahou or representing women's faces ; note the Gouro passport mask, which was not intended for dance but allowed to identify its bearer during meetings between villages. Ivorian art is also expressed in sculptures, notably by the Sénoufo and Baoulé ethnic groups: statuettes of colonists, couples, figures and maternities describe Baoulé art while the Senoufo statuary even wears riders. [Statuary and fetishes from Ivory Coast].

The Punu ethnic group is mainly from southern Gabon, some pieces and antiques are over 35 years old and reliquaries Mahongwe, of the ethnicity of the same name, some of which are polychrome wood [Masks from Gabon].

The Dogon are from Mali: Dogon masks use the pantheon, featuring a sophisticated bestiary (antelope, hare, buffalo, monkey, bird, hyena, lion) and some dance masks from the early 20th century [Masks from Mali]. The statuettes include men, women or couples as well as fetishes [Statuary and Fetishes from Mali].

The specificity of the mask Cimié Ijo is to be worn on the head without covering the face, some date from the 70s [Masks from Nigeria]. The Chamba are mostly present in northern Cameroon and Nigeria, their statuary is mainly men, women and wives  [Statuary and Fetishes from Nigeria].

Among the African ritual objects, fetishes, statuettes, settlers, riders, couples or maternities hold an important place: Lamba or Losso fetish, old pieces dating from the middle of the 20th century and Ewé statues or settlers from Togo [Statuary and Fetishes from Togo], Old or contemporary objects Senoufo, Abbey, Abron, Agni, Attié, Koulango and Tagbana distinguish the wealth of Ivorian statuary since the 19th century. Iron snakes, hunting sticks, dolls and statuettes represent Burkina Faso  [Statuary and Fetishes from Burkina Faso].

For collectors, [Weapons and ancient war pieces] Takuba Touareg, sabers and daggers worked of the Sahara testify to the excellence of the craftsmen of this ethnic group, at the beginning of the 20th century.
Ancient Mangbetu pottery, men and women represented in ceremonial objects or ancient masks come from Congo DRC [Masks from Congo RDC] and the statuettes represent human figures [Statuary and Fetishes from Congo].

Also in gallery, some [Terracotta] Attié of Ivory Coast, or Niger made by the Bura, Nok and Djéné ethnic groups, with exceptional antiques more than 100 years old, from excavations.

[Curiosities and unusual objects], Statuettes and reliquaries of the Fang ethnic group, whose particularity is to be composed of sub-groups, themselves divided into tribes and family clans originating from Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon; also Mahongwe religious pieces, mainly from Gabon, [Statuary and Fetishes from Gabon].

To consult, our section of objects already sold, for orders or special requests [sold objects].

tribal heritage: Primitive arts, tribal heritage of other continents. [tribal Heritage].

The sacred arts of Vietnam : Liturgical objects and shaman objects of the ethnic minorities of Vietnam.

Dong Ho painting : The famous painting of Dông Ho are realized from xylographic boards which are then colored. The colors of these prints come from the nature. Craftsmen burn bamboo leaves or straw to obtain black; the verdigris gives the green; and indigo, blue ... [Dông Hô painting].

The gallery presents an old collection of masks from Nepal and the Himalayas. [Masks of Himalaya]

Exclusively a beautiful private collection of old Alaska Eskimo masks. [Eskimoan masks]

To widen horizons a selection of contemporary Cuban painters. [Cuban painting].